Welcome to neomoth.dev. Enjoy your stay.

[Directory Listing]

/bin // Project directory.

/social // Social media links.

/aboutme // About me page.

/wheel // A list of weest's wheel slots.

/art // A collection of all the art I've recieved.

/login // Log in if you have an account.

/register // Register if you don't have an account.

To navigate the site, use the navigation bar at the top left corner, or click the /links.

If you want to get somewhere fast or there isn't a direct link to it, you can use the cd [path] command to navigate too.

!!NOTICE!! Some updates have been made.

Account system still not working on OWOP, however you can now log in and register via gui again.

Navigate to /login or /register to log in or register. login and register commands will now also take you there if you don't provide arguments.

Permalinks have been added to / directory listing.