Click the buttons below to change the wheel options and explanations displayed on the right.

Weest's Wheel Slots


    Any donation of $25 through ​​ or gifting 5+ subs on twitch earns one wheel spin.

    A free wheel spin occurs when the sub goal is hit.


    Not a changelog push moreso just a place for me to put this note, gonna work on improving the website to be less insanely programmed.

    This will involve actually using a bundler for once and also making so more things are passed from the backend to reduce clog on the frontend html, that and to obscure some things

    v1.1.15 -- 6/22/24

    - Added a secret on the main page ;3

    v1.1.14 -- 6/12/24

    - Add /mdguide, a page to teach how markdown and formatting works on discord.

    v1.1.13 -- 3/24/24

    - Fix some stuff in backend

    - Fix up OWOP some

    - You're welcome IS2511 :))

    v1.1.12 -- 2/29/24

    - Add /bingo

    v1.1.11 -- 2/4/24

    - Add donation link under SOCIALS tab

    v1.1.10 -- 2/4/24

    - Revamp /wheel to allow for more wheels. Sorry in advance for zooming breaking the page. NOT MOBILE COMPATIBLE AT THE MOMENT!!!

    v1.1.9 -- 1/26/24

    - Remove /vip. Not really any point to it lmfao

    v1.1.8 -- 1/26/24

    - Add /aboutme

    v1.1.7 -- 1/26/24

    - Fix tooltips fucking up at right edge of screen

    v1.1.6a -- 1/22/24

    - Small change to /wheel, the text beside the toggle now lights up based on which is toggled.

    v1.1.6 -- 1/22/24

    - Added mini wheel slots to /wheel, they can be viewed with a toggle switch.

    v1.1.5 -- 1/22/24

    - Added Bittymoth to projects dropdown. Bittybot is a twitch chat/utility bot.

    - OWOP will be back online soon dont worry :p

    v1.1.4a -- 1/9/24

    - Added BlueSky to socials

    v1.1.4 -- 12/20/23

    - Added Twitch OAuth. integration. You must make an account to add Twitch account info.

    - Login token expiration time increased from six hours to 12 hours.

    v1.1.3b -- 12/19/23

    - Updated /vip

    v1.1.3a -- 12/18/23

    - Updating profile now works :3

    v1.1.3 -- 12/18/23

    - Account settings can now be updated! Check the account settings button on the account dropdown.

    - Profile picture uploading does NOT work yet. Everything else can be updated though.

    v1.1.2d -- 12/14/23

    - Add twitch badge. Contact business email ([email protected]) to request the badge.

    v1.1.2c -- 12/13/23

    - maybe fixed the scrollbar on chrome and windows??? possibly??????????

    v1.1.2b -- 12/13/23

    - Make token cookie persistent across sessions and expire after 6h.

    v1.1.2a -- 12/11/23

    - Made token cookie expire on logout

    - Prevent HTML on username (not display name, but no you still can't set that yourself because of next change)

    - Prevent submitting HTML when creating/updating account (and no updating still no worky sorry)

    v1.1.2 -- 12/11/23

    - Logging in now affects the OWOP clone. Any user with a rank will be given the respective rank on OWOP. Your nickname will also be set automatically.

    - More functionality involving account will be added later probably once I finish the account settings page

    v1.1.1a -- 12/10/23

    - Add account settings page. Still doesn't function.

    v1.1.1 -- 12/9/23

    - Added account dropdown to header

    - Logging out now works via ui

    - Began work on account settings page

    - Added account badges

    v1.1.0a -- 12/9/23

    - Made so all usernames correctly register as being all lower case. Your display name is not affected by this, only what you use to log in with is.

    - Ditto for emails since they aren't case sensitive anyways.

    v1.1.0 [MAJOR UPDATE] ​-- 12/09/23

    - ACCOUNT SYSTEM IS NOW FUNCTIONAL! You currently CANNOT change account data once created so be careful about that. This will be fixed ​next patch.​ in a future patch.

    - You will need to activate your account within a 30 day period. You will see a prompt for this upon logging in for the first time.

    - You currently cannot log out by conventional means. Open the debug console and execute logout(); to log out for the time being.

    v1.0.9 -- 12/06/23

    - Make the login/register page prettier (add box to left that gives info)

    - Add Display Name field to /register

    - Fixed error page not having a link to the main page

    - Added entry for v1.0.0 in the changelog

    v1.0.8 -- 12/05/23

    - Technically account system done, it's just the login/register page still dont function. Theoretically though the endpoints work.

    - Fixed 404 page breaking header and removed the debug text that shouldn't have been there smile

    v1.0.7 -- 12/04/23

    - Added more random text to the main page

    - Added a register button on /login

    v1.0.6 -- 11/25/23

    - Added /vip peepoSmile

    - Fix tab names

    v1.0.5b -- 11/25/23

    - Updated it again pepla

    v1.0.5a -- 11/25/23

    - Updated the wheel slots on /wheel

    v1.0.5 -- 11/24/23

    - Begin work on account system, will be used for future projects and games to associate content with user

    v1.0.4a -- 11/24/23

    - Update header on /wheel

    - Make updates viewable on /wheel

    - Make it a bit easier to add the header and updates stuff

    v1.0.4 -- 11/24/23

    - Revamp the header slightly because mobile exists and mobile has very little width

    v1.0.3d -- 11/22/23

    - Streamline /wheel a wee bit

    v1.0.3c -- 11/22/23

    - Slight update to the CSS on /wheel

    v1.0.3b -- 11/22/23

    - Added link to twitter account

    v1.0.3a -- 11/22/23

    - Improve the UI on /wheel for mobile users

    - Improve the /wheel page in general by adding descriptions for each slot

    v1.0.2 -- 11/22/23

    - Updated changelog to include date and version number, as well as scrolling functionality

    - Added a way to navigate to the main page from /daily

    v1.0.1 -- 11/21/23

    - Added top bar

    - Changed some of the greeter text

    - Added this update log

    - Fixed the footer on mobile

    - Added /wheel

    v1.0.0 -- 11/18/23

    - Release website

    - Idk what you expect to be here I didn't even have the changelog before v1.0.1, I just felt like this was obligatory.

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